Sunday 9 May 2010

King of the nerds!

So I'm clearly not very good at keeping up with regularly blogging......must....try....harder!

Speaking of trying harder at times I have made an effort to enjoy similar interests as my geek. We are getting married after all and one self help magazine tells me that the secret (not really a secret when its published in magazines in their thousands) to a happy relationship is doing stuff together.

My first attempt to impress my nerd was by learning the names of all the Doctors in order (Hartnell, Trouton, Pertwee, Baker, Davidson, Baker, McCoy, McGann, Eccleston, Tennant Smith) the first time I did this he had a little nerd-gasm and ever since then I'v tried to replicate this in one way or another.

More recently I introduced "Star Trek Sunday" whilst eating our bacon sarnies we would settled down to a thought provoking, insightful look into what are future has to hold. Clearly in the future Apple are fucked as I saw no apple Macs or I phones, in fact the future kind of looked very dated....dated back to the 60's. Which is of course is one of the (many) drawbacks to Star looks shit and to be honest even at the time of making it I imagine it looked shite. The acting is terrible, Shatner looks plastic and the sets look some what similar to when Peter Duncan made Tracey Island. Theres plenty of "new" television out there, some with great special effects, amazing dialogue and script but there is something about Star Trek that nerds are time and time again drawn back to. Maybe its a time for reminiscing about when they were sad and lonely and their only friend was Mr Sock (no that is not a typo)

I suppose I should be grateful we haven't had Star Trek sex yet.....he hasn't zapped me with his phaser or engaged my warp drive. And I'm not really sure what Star Trek sex would involve, wobbly sets and a pissed of ex employee of my boyfriends coming in half way through and threatening mankind....all of which would be solved in 45 minutes (which would be 40 extra minutes of sexy times than normal :)

We do have a number of Star Trek action figures in the bedroom yes i hear you cry "but he's a grown adult" I know, I have seen his little face light up when he gets a new figure, he thankfully doesn't play with them (not that I've seen) so it must be a geek status thing, the more obscure weird things you have the more other nerds and geeks worship you. The ultimate achievement? King of the nerds! Though I thought Will Wheaton already had this title oh my how they all love him!

I also don't like the way Star Trek deals with women as objects of desire, in really short skirts with actually no purpose or character (I'm talking about the original series here) because lets be honest, guys that are watching Star Trek (and obviously my bf is the exception to the rule....because he's standing over my shoulder while I write this) really can't rely on their looks to find a woman ...if they could they wouldn't be sitting at home with Mr S(P)ock.

Tuesday 30 March 2010

In the beginning

My fiancée enjoys a good Blog so in the spirit of taking an interest in each others well, interests I thought I would give this a go. He writes about life as a nerd so I thought I'd write about life as a soon to be Nerf (Nerd Wife). I'm getting married in September and as my nerd keeps telling me I will soon be his forever ( he usually then does a Muwhahahaha and swishes his imaginary cloak)

So lets go back to the beginning.......

About four years ago I met my nerd and to be honest I didn't fully understand the extent of his geekyness. I think he kept it well hidden to ensure that I wasn't scared off and to be honest I would have run a mile...well maybe walked a mile or more than likely got in my car and drove the mile (or three back to my home).

In retrospect maybe it wasn't that he kept it well hidden more than I didn't want to see it. Its not much of a status symbol " hi girls I'v met a great guy" "Oh good is he great in bed??" "Who knows we've only got as far as star wars trivial pursuit"

Before I went out with him he text me to let me know he was going to be on TV as a "geek in the woods" Basically getting dressed up as star wars characters and fighting with sticks. And on one of the early dates he put on the dvd (apparently this is a well used pulling tactic hence why he hadn't had much girl action (he will probably shoot me with his pretend phaser for saying that)

I guess I fully understood the extent of his geekyness when we were tidying his spare room, with a heavy heart and puppy dog eyes he threw out a cardboard cut out of R2D2, hundreds of Star Trek Videos and T-Shirts and about five lightsabers This was his choice though looking back I guess he was just doing this to please and impress me. Four years later he's re buying all the star trek dvds, and takes great delight in the star trek socks he has. (I won't let him wear the red ones whilst doing anything remotely dangerous ((that was my one and only Star Trek joke I may need to reuse it in another blog))

So I guess these blogs are for my nerd indoors who "I have been and always shall be your friend"